About me

My name is Santa. Simply Santa. As weird as it may seem to people who are not from Latvia, it is not short for anything and has nothing to do with Christmas.

I live in San Francisco, California. Weird to even say to myself, still can’t grasp. I’ve been here for  nine months already! wow…time flies. I’m doing my Master studies here and further hope to stay   in this amazing city!! (: I come from a very small place  – Latvia, and although i have been travelling and did my Bachelors abroad as well, I sill quite don’t realise that my path has taken me to US.

1383641_10201685368189827_1469037643_nAnyways, about the blog. This is my first blog ever, and even the first attempt to write something longer, other than an essay for uni. And, as you might have guessed by the name of the blog – I am Vegan. Vegan Santa.

My story is pretty straight forward. I decided to stop eating meat when I lived in UK, because for some reason I found the produce wasn’t as good and it just put me off. Same with fish – frozen, unfrozen – frozen, I could never tell where it came from, so I just stopped consuming it. And so it went on for a while, till two years ago, when it was discovered that I am lactose intolerant. And there you go – that automatically made me a vegan! And I never look back! I love cooking and I love food, and as we go, vegan and vegetarian alternatives are growing ever more. Especially here in San Francisco – wow, I was amazed how I can find a vegan substitute for almost everything and it tastes great!

So life is good and following vegan diet is easy, and that is what I will try and share with you here, to inspire others, who want to follow the same path!

Hope you find something you can take away from this blog!

Happy reading & Happy cooking!

Santa Xx


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