All posts filed under: Breakfast

When you’re lucky

Maybe I should start doing a section on oatmeal? hah, sorry….I just really like playing around with my oatmeal, especially if I am lucky and I can get my hands on some fresh, seasonal fruit! Ahh, I remember when I took this picture. Was during exam period in Lancaster. I was a very conscientious girl then. Went to farmers market early in the morning, got fresh products, fresh summer berries, which taste completely different and so much better when they are in season. Went home to make myself a lovely breakfast in order to start a productive day in library. Thats was nice. That was kind of procrastination, while doing something I like, but also I was telling myself that I needed the best food to make my brain work through the exam revision. Want those yummy strawberries now!!! Not those plastic ones you get in stores now….oh well 🙂

Nutritious Breakfast

Mhhh, this pretty bowl of oatmeal I had a while ago, but would like to share with you all to give you some ideas of how to make your morning oatmeal more exciting. I added some chopped apple, that refreshes the oatmeal nicely. Then sprinkled some dried cranberries and goji berries. Goji berries are extremely rich in nutrients. Goji berries also have the highest concentration of protein of any fruit, which is great for vegans! They are also loaded with vitamin C, contain more carotenoids than any other food, have twenty-one trace minerals, and are high in fiber. Boasting 15 times the amount of iron found in spinach, as well as calcium, zinc, selenium and many other important trace minerals, there is no doubt that the humble goji berry is a nutritional powerhouse. Not to bore you with further complicated terms, I will just suggest – incorporate Goji berries where you can! The orange drink in the picture might look pretty ordinary, but I bet you won’t guess what it is. It’s Buckthorn juice! Yea, whaaat? …