All posts tagged: salad

Quinoa Chopped Salad

I have been running around the city like a crazy lady these days. Busy, busy, busy. That definitely has impacted my food choices – not the best ones (Guilty)…. But I am ready to go back on track and today I’m loving the taste of clean eating again. This salad not only tastes great, but will make you feel happy with yourself for being good to your body. Believe me. So get chopping. These proportions will serve 4. 1 cup cooked and cooled quinoa  – whichever you prefer – black, white, red 1/2 cup chopped seedless cucumber 2 celery ribs, chopped 1 yellow bell pepper, chopped 1 jalapeño, seeds and ribs removed, chopped 1 apple, cored and chopped 1 cup red or black grapes, halved 1/2 cup almonds 1/4 cup chopped basil 1/4 cup chopped mint 1 garlic clove, finely grated (or 1/2 clove, minced) juice of 1 lemon sea salt In a large bowl, combine quinoa with veggies, apples, grapes and almonds. Toss to combine, then add herbs, garlic, lemon juice, and a couple …

Get your lunch box right

Nobody likes soggy salad. That’s a fact. However its often the reality for those who take their salad in a lunch box and who add their sauce at home. It’s waste of effort to bother making  a lunch box and carrying it with you, if it’s going to be all mushy by the time you eat it. And I personally don’t want to carry an extra little box/jar for my sauce with a fear that it is going to leak. So here is just a quick tip. Layer your salad ingredients starting with wet ingredients at the bottom and dry goods on the top. That means that your sauce goes right at the bottom, and your leaves on the top and everything else you crave in your salad in between. It’s that easy. And once you get to eating your salad, don’t worry – you’ll still be able to access all your layers and mix them around a bit, making sure that that top layer gets some of your delicious sauce as well. I hope …